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Solution Configuration

Configure Solutions for All Your Customer's Needs puts and end to singular product-picking. Instead dynamically assemble the perfect combination of products, software, and services that fit your customer’s requirements.

Product Feature

Learn How Logik AI Promotes Up-Sells and Cross-Sells to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Revenue

Logik AI learns from the selections of your users and predicts appropriate selections to make buying simpler and easier.

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Get Rid of SKU Picking & Replace It with Something as Simple as ABC

By defining a set of attributes and values, customers can choose the specific characteristics that meet their unique requirements allowing for dynamic product and service configuration.

These attributes could include product features such as size, color, and material, as well as requirement based characteristics such as how they plan to use it, where it’s going, etc. 

Guided Solution Configuration

Intuitively Customize the Perfect Combination of Products & Services

A guided selling experience that uses a set of attributes and values to lead customers through an intuitive product discovery and configuration process helps them to make informed choices that meet their unique needs and preferences.

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Customer Declared Data

A Selling Process that Informs Future Marketing & Development

Guided selling experiences allow businesses to collect valuable data and insights into declared customer data and preferences, which can be used to inform future marketing strategies.

configuration guided demo gif Guided Demo

Complex Product Configuration in Action with

New Enhancement

Introducing Product Picker

With the addition of Product Picker, is officially the most flexible and powerful configurator on the market.



Ulrich sees a 400% increase in online sales since the implementation

Ulrich uses Threekit & to power their online configuration experience to drive a better customer experience and more online revenue. SOLUTION CONFIGURATION PRODUCT TOUR

Try Solution Configuration for Yourself

Attribute Based vs Product_AI

Attribute-Based vs. Product-Based Configuration:

The Ultimate Guide