Logik.io Blog

What does a Product Configurator Do?

Written by Logik.io | February 7,2024

Logik.io's Advanced Commerce Logic Engine and how to choose the right configurator for your business

What Does A Product Configurator Do?

Customized solutions and multi-product deals don’t just happen. That’s where product configurators come in. 

What does a product configurator do? A product configurator enables the building of custom or specialized solutions, packages, and deals by allowing sellers (and/or customers) to select the products, services, components, and add-ons that align with a buyer’s requirements. 

Without an advanced product configurator, it is next to impossible to configure, price, and quote complex solutions and deals. Product configurators add efficiency and accuracy to complex transaction experiences.


What do advanced product configurators do?

Logik.io’s Commerce Logic Engine is an example of an advanced product configurator that helps buyers and sellers discover and configure products that are a perfect fit. 

Product configurators support a wide variety of industries. For example, this software makes it easier for people to find the right manufacturing products, regardless of how complex.  The use of product configuration management software can help to streamline the transaction management process, leveraging sophisticated algorithms and databases to track products' versions and variants. These tools can also create revenue-maximizing sales experiences, which minimizes the cost of doing business while accelerating time to revenue. 

Advanced product configuration includes several capabilities that can add even more value to the transaction experience. 

  • Guided Selling: Advanced product configurators offer product discovery, moving users more effectively toward their desired products. 
  • Configuration: The next part of this journey involves using different product configuration features, allowing sellers and buyers to tailor products to the customer’s needs and preferences. 
  • Product recommendations: An advanced configurator should offer additional product recommendations based on the buyer's needs and selections. This process enhances efficiency and helps to drive greater value. 

A comprehensive product configurator like Logik.io helps to improve customer satisfaction with accurate and valuable product recommendations and the personalization of offerings. 

How to choose a product configurator

Choosing a product configurator involves an evaluation of several key factors. 

Begin by identifying specific business requirements and objectives, considering factors such as the complexity of product configurations, scalability, and integration capabilities with existing systems. Also, look for a configurator that offers a user-friendly interface and supports customization without extensive coding. Then, assess the configurator's ability to handle complex rules and ensure real-time updates for accurate configurations. Additionally, be sure to consider the reputation and track record of the vendor, seeking customer feedback and references. 

As businesses continue to evolve and grow more complex, product configurators will become even more critical as an element of the overall transaction experience.