Woodland Direct Delivers a Flexible Online Product Configuration Process with Logik.io
Listen to our interview with Tyler Decker, Head of Technology discuss why they felt Logik.io was a perfect fit for streamlining their product data and the customer configuration experience.
Revenue Acceleration
Less Maintenance
Streamlined Operations
Downstream data informs manufacturers’ and back office decisions to optimize all functions of the business
Provide perfect-fit product configurations for customers that are safe, compliant, and regulated.
Implement crucial rules and restrictions
across their business technology and make
agile changes to the product offerings and data
systems for better operations in real time.
Woodland Direct
Annual Revenue
Use Case
The Challenge
Woodland Direct uses Salesforce Commerce Cloud as their central e-commerce platform, which was providing most of what they needed. However, because Woodland works with a series of manufacturers, the lack of standardization across the vendors that they work with made managing product data and product configurations a very manual and tedious process. Additionally,it was challenging to make updates directly to their internal systems used to house the stock information, rules, and customizable options available for products on their website. As a result, every change required multiple internal teams and a long lead time before all systems were aligned and reflected correct information.
Woodland Direct was considering a two pronged approach originally: 1) custom building their own home grown rules engine to address these challenges because other offerings they had explored only addressed parts of the business, and 2) evaluating more robust product data management tools (primarily PIM).
Woodland Direct ran into similar challenges related to data management and customization in their ERP system, NetSuite, and spent excessive IT resources on administration and maintenance. Instead, they looked to find an out of the box solution that could help streamline operations across the board.
Tyler Decker | Head of Technology
The Solution
Woodland Direct chose Logik’s headless API based configurator to more easily manage all of their product data and product rules across their ecommerce platform, sales team, and back office in order to provide appropriate and timely information to customers, manufacturers, and internal business units.
The single source of truth will allow them to build all their product configurations and product structures directly within Logik.io’s productized engine, and seamlessly integrate with their existing technology, including Salesforce Commerce Cloud, prevent previous painful lead time when introducing new products, new product updates, and making changes to configurations.
Additionally, Woodland Direct is able to create enhanced customer experiences using Logik.io’s uniquely agile logic engine to provide options that meet each individual customers’ requirements, safety specifications, and installation specifications.
Logik.io has also allowed Woodland better practices related to syndicating perfectly configured product listings to external marketplaces like Google through easy exports of clean and well formatted data.
Tyler Decker | Head of Technology
The Results
Woodland Direct is in the early stages of their Logik.io implementation, but they have seen immediate improvements across their systems. Customers are being offered custom products that exceed their expectations and promote cross selling and add ons that enhance their selections. Fewer back end staffers are preoccupied with maintaining accurate product figures and the agility of Logik.io has allowed them to make more edits with fewer lags.
Reports provided internally and to and from manufacturers are more consumable and unified as a result of the standardization in Logik.io. Overall, Woodland Direct has been pleased with the flexibility of Logik.io and they are excited for the opportunity to move beyond the maintenance phase of their business and beginning to future proof.