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Solution Configuration

Configure Complex Combinations of Products in a Single Experience

Sell complex combinations of products with maximum efficiency and accuracy.

Simplifying Complexity

Faster, Simpler and More Effective Solution Selling

Solution Configuration is a feature within that allows each configurable product to be modular and gives users the ability to configure multiple products together that would otherwise be configured alone. The result? Optimized speed and accuracy of complex combinations of configurable products, services, and experiences.

See How It Works

Watch a video demo of how Solution Configuration makes's configurator more efficient than ever.

When to Use Solution Configuration

Not every complex set of products requires Solution Configuration. When will it have the greatest impact?

SolutionConfig_SolutionPacks@3xSolution Packages or Bundles

Solution Configuration is an ideal fit if you sell complex bundles of products and/or services under one solution umbrella. In, independent configuration experiences are allocated to each component to manage individual workflow.

SolutionConfig_CombiningBundles@3xCombining Products from Extensive Product Catalogs

Solution Configuration works well to sell multiple independent, configurable products under one solution. The top level configurator will act as a catalog to choose a number of solution components and each component can be configured individually.

Explore Solution Configuration

Our interactive guided product demos allow you to see complex configuration on your own terms




Save administrators time and allow them to work more collaboratively.

Build rules once and send data between fields in configurations

Each blueprint can be deployed independently, allowing for finer granularity when making changes or updates to a blueprint. Also, administrators can segment out logical components from a configuration and allow different groups to work on blueprints without conflicting.

Blueprints can be reused as part of a solution, multiple solutions, or as an independently configurable product.



Reduce clicks, guarantee compatibility, and create amazing experiences. was already the most powerful and user-friendly configurator on the market, and our Solution Configuration enhancement makes the experience even more efficient and intuitive.

Each blueprint can be deployed independently, allowing for finer granularity when making changes or updates to a blueprint. Also, administrators can segment out logical components from a configuration and allow different groups to work on blueprints without conflicting.

Blueprints can be reused as part of a solution, multiple solutions, or as an independently configurable product.

How It WorksMaking Admins' Lives Easier

Solution Configuration will help admins work more efficiently without any heavy lifting.


Identify related products, services, and experiences, and decide which is the parent (top) level and which are the child level.


Define which data should flow to the child from the parent. Then define field mapping to pass data between configurations.


Deploy all related blueprints to enact changes and allow end-users to have a more seamless configuration experience.

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Introducing Solution Configuration from

Learn about this new feature that enhances efficiency for complex configurations.


Learn More About Our Advanced Logic Engine

Get to know more about how works and learn about our advanced logic engine.


The New B2B eCommerce Maturity Model

Learn how to achieve a customer-centric, revenue-boosting eCommerce experience.

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