The New CPQ Manifesto

The Broken Promise of CPQ: A Call for Change

The New CPQ Manifesto

There was a time when Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) systems promised to revolutionize sales. These systems were meant to streamline the challenging process of selling complex products and services, turning hours of configuration and quoting into a simplified, automated experience. 

Back in the early 2000s, the initial vision for CPQ was to revolutionize how complex products were sold — making both buying and selling complex products and services simple in an eCommerce-like experience. We envisioned a future where businesses could effortlessly configure, price, quote, and order even the most intricate products. 

The CPQ solution we built all those years ago was groundbreaking for the times. 

But something went wrong along the way.

CPQ systems, designed to be a cornerstone of simplifying complex sales processes, have not evolved at the pace that modern businesses and buyers require. 

Instead of empowering businesses to supercharge their sales engine, CPQ has become burdensome and frustrating. Simply put, it’s a pain. Legacy CPQ systems have left you and your teams navigating rigid structures, fighting against inefficiencies, and ultimately holding back revenue potential that should have been unlocked.

CPQ, as it stands today, is broken. And it’s time for that to change.

You Know the Legacy CPQ Drill

For far too long, traditional CPQ has been a source of frustration for businesses and teams like yours. 

CPQ was originally designed with the best intentions, but in practice, it’s slow, rigid, and complicated to use. Sales teams spend precious time navigating clunky, outdated systems that are cumbersome to implement and next to impossible to adapt to the evolving needs of your business. Legacy CPQ is just not conducive to modern GTM, selling, and buying.

You know the drill all too well. Sales reps spend more time picking parts and SKUs than focusing on customer needs. Each click feels like an eternity, waiting seconds that add up to lost minutes, hours, and deals. And on the back end, traditional rules engines are painstakingly slow, too basic to handle the complexity of today’s products and business models, and too complicated to change without a team of developers on standby.

If you’ve ever felt like your CPQ is holding your business back, you’re not alone. Most businesses today share this frustration. Traditional CPQ systems require too much of your time, resources, and patience — leaving you stuck in the past with a barrier to meeting the demands of your business and your buyers.

Managing legacy CPQ systems has become too heavy a lift for your admins and IT teams. It takes months to implement a change, and by the time the change is live, the market has already moved forward, leaving you to play catch-up — again. 

You’ve tried to work within your current CPQ limitations, but the truth is clear: legacy CPQ tools aren’t built to handle the needs of a modern business. 

From Frustration to Innovation: A Vision for The New CPQ

Imagine a world where CPQ works for you, not against you. At, we believe CPQ should empower your business, not hold it back.

What if CPQ wasn’t a source of frustration, but a seamless, intuitive tool that amplifies your sales efforts? 

What if configuring even the most complex products and services could happen in seconds, not minutes or hours? 

What if, instead of battling through slow, cumbersome processes, your sales teams could be equipped with cutting-edge technology that delivers fast, personalized, and omnichannel experiences to every customer?

At, we’re turning these wishful ‘what ifs’ into reality. 

This is the New CPQ.

Composable & Omnichannel

In, we’ve crafted a composable and omnichannel platform that integrates effortlessly into your existing sales ecosystem. The reality is that sales channels are changing and evolving, while CPQ and Commerce are converging, so you need the technology underpinning your transaction lifecycle to support omnichannel extensibility and ongoing scale. Unlike the rigid, one-size-fits-all CPQ solutions of the past, our vision for the New CPQ is modular, allowing you to choose and implement only the features you need, scaling as your business grows. Whether you sell online, through direct sales teams, or via dealer networks, the New CPQ should deliver consistent, seamless customer experiences across every channel.

Intuitive & Streamlined

We’re also intimately aware that the administrative burden of managing traditional CPQ systems can be overwhelming. That’s why we built the New CPQ with simplicity in mind. The platform allows for easy, point-and-click rule creation, configuration, pricing management, quote generation, and more — all without requiring extensive technical expertise. Your admins will have the tools they need to take full control of your CPQ system, giving them time back and freeing up your IT teams to focus on other challenges. 


And then there’s performance — a cornerstone of’s vision for the New CPQ. In today’s consumerized economy, performance is not just important; it’s essential. We believe that the speed of your sales tools should never be a bottleneck. With legacy CPQ platforms, waiting several seconds between each click can add up, resulting in wasted time and lost opportunities. was built with this in mind, delivering sub-second performance on every configuration and calculation. Whether it's a small product change or a complex, multi-line item quote, you’ll see your data instantly, giving your sales teams the speed they need to serve customers effectively and close deals faster. Simply put, slow performance is unacceptable—and with’s vision for the New CPQ, it can finally be a thing of the past.


But speed alone isn’t enough. To truly transform CPQ, we knew that artificial intelligence had to be at the core of everything we build. At, we’ve integrated our first-of-a-kind Cosmo AI capabilities throughout the entire CPQ process — not as a novelty, but as a powerful tool for making smarter decisions at every level. For your sales teams, AI recommends the best products and configurations, helping them navigate complex decisions with confidence. For administrators, AI optimizes rule creation, auditing, and maintenance, significantly reducing the time it takes to make changes. AI ensures that your CPQ system is always running at its best, allowing your business to stay ahead of the competition and respond dynamically to buyer needs and market changes.


At the heart of the New CPQ is a commitment to enabling businesses to operate with a customer-centric approach. Traditional CPQ systems forced sales teams to rely on static catalogs, leaving them to navigate endless lists of SKUs that slowed the sales process and created inefficiencies. Who wants to memorize and sift through thousands of SKUs? Instead, we designed around our belief that an attribute-based sales approach empowers your teams to engage in solution selling — where the focus shifts from merely pushing products to solving real customer problems holistically. This fundamental shift allows your business to align more closely with customer needs, delivering perfect-fit solutions without the clunky, outdated processes of the past.


With, the New CPQ becomes not just a tool for today, but a platform designed to evolve with your business. Our vision and our products are built to anticipate and adapt to the challenges of tomorrow. Whether it’s new sales channels, products, or customer requirements, gives you the agility to stay ahead of the curve.

Ultimately, the New CPQ is about putting you in control. It’s about moving beyond the frustrations of legacy systems and giving your sales teams the tools they need to succeed in a modern, dynamic marketplace. No more rigid structures. No more slow, clunky performance. No more outdated user experiences. Instead, you’ll have a CPQ platform that delivers faster, smarter, and more flexible sales experiences for both your team and your customers.

At, we’re not just upgrading CPQ — we’re redefining what CPQ can and should be. 

Are you ready to discover the New CPQ?

Take Control of Your Future with the New CPQ

It’s time to leave the frustrations of legacy CPQ behind. 

You’ve been promised innovation before, but the traditional systems have failed to deliver. The truth is, those systems were built for a different time, and they simply can’t keep up with the complexities of today — let alone tomorrow. 

But now, you have a choice.

You don’t have to settle for slow, rigid, and outdated tools. You can embrace a new future of CPQ — a future where speed, flexibility, and customer-centricity are at the core of every sales interaction.

You’re not alone at this crossroads. 

Leading businesses across a wide variety of industries are already making the shift, embracing the New CPQ to power their sales impact and drive better customer experiences. These forward-thinking organizations understand that staying competitive means leaving behind the limitations of legacy CPQ and embracing a system that is as dynamic as the market they operate in.

We’ve said it before: this is more than just an upgrade — it’s a revolution. 

With, the New CPQ is here, and it’s ready to unlock the full potential of your sales processes. Imagine what your teams could achieve with the right tools in place: the deals you could close faster, the customers you could serve better, and the growth you could unlock by freeing yourself from the constraints of legacy CPQ.

It’s time to step into the future of CPQ. We invite you to explore what’s possible when CPQ works the way it was always meant to.

You deserve better than the legacy letdowns of yesterday.

The New CPQ is waiting for you. 

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Are you with us?

Unlock The New CPQ

Our team is here to help you leave legacy CPQ in the past. Book a meeting and see how can help you transform your CPQ and take control of your future.